
•November 8, 2011 • Leave a Comment

jangan pernah menyerah.. sebab di balik itu semua ada jalan yang terbaik


•November 7, 2011 • Leave a Comment

Pasti sudah tidak asing lagi ketika menonton suatu film baik yang diputar pada televisi maupun  video compack disk player. Film yang dibintangi oleh orang luar negeri (bukan indonesia) kok bisa berbicara indonesia? dan sangat jelas sekali kalau artisnya bukan orang keturunan indonesia, karena kulit, rambut postur tubuh dan paras yang berbeda.

Dengan kemajuan teknologi sekarang ini tentu hal itu sudah bukan hal asing dan sulit, terutama bagi industri perfilman. Bagaimana bisa sebuah film yang diproduksi oleh suatu negara maupun industri film seperti hollywood bisa ditonton oleh sekian juta? Bisa saja penduduk dari negara tersebut mempunyai kuota katakan 1 juta, namun terkadang orang yang menonton film bisa melebihi 1 juta.

Salah satu yang berperan dalam industri film tersebut adalah translite bahasa dan alih suara/ pengisi suara. Sehingga halangan perbedaan bahasa tidak lagi menghalangi industri perfilman sukses menjual dan film yang diproduksi laris manis.

Suara asli disilence diganti suara terjemahan

Pengisi suara yang dimaksud adalah suara yang berasal dari film asli misalkan suara vokal sang artis diganti dengan pengisi suara. Hal itu bisa dilakukan karena sebelum proses penggantian suara dilakukan, ada suatu proses translite bahasa terlebih dahulu. Dan hal ini biasa dilakukan oleh ahli bahasa, bisa bahasa inggris, mandarin, jepang latin dll. Setelah bahasa asing yang ada pada film tersebut  diterjemahkan, untuk selanjutnya yang berperan adalah pengisi suara. Jadi jangan heran setelah selesai menonton film pada bagian akhirnya terdapat nama-nama orang indonesia, seperti pada editor, pengisi suara dll. Pengisi suara inilah yang berperan menggantikan bahasa asli pada film menjadi bahasa indonesia.

Pengisi suara bertugas menghafalkan scrip/ naskah terjemahan dengan menyesuaikan timer tentunya. Hal ini penting karena kalau hanya berpedoman pada gerak bibir akan sulit karena tempo membuka dan menutup serta bukaan mulut ketika mengucapkan kata-kata juga berbeda. Sehingga pengisi suara  benar-benar memperhatikan timer yang ada film tersebut.

Record/ rekaman

Rekaman yang dimaksudkan disini bukanlah seperti rekaman musik pada umumnya. Secara sederhana kalau pada musik menekankan pada tone yang bernada dan tempo permainan, namun pada pengisi suara tidaklah terlampau detail. Sehingga pengisi suara cukup berpegang pada volume suara, timer dan logat/ gaya bahasa, biasanya hal ini mengikuti karakter dari pengisi suaranya sendiri, kalau pengisinya orang batak yang masih kental pasti akan terlihat logat bataknya.

Proses rekaman untuk pengisi suara pada sebuah film juga berbeda-beda caranya, hal itu bergantung dari studio/ badan penerjamah (industri penerjemah bahasa film). Bisa dengan cara rekaman dari awal sampai akhir tanpa terputus, namun hal ini pasti akan sangat sulit karena kesalahan dari pengisi suara yang terkadang lupa terhadap scrip yang harus dihafalkan. Sehingga kemungkinan kedua adalah dengan potongan-potangan. Bagian yang perlu pengisi suara di record dahulu sampai ada batas jeda bicara, hal ini biasanya artis sedang berbicara kemudian diganti artis lainnya, pada waktu pergantian inilah record bisa dipotong-potong kemudian disambung untuk lanjut ke dialog selanjutnya.

Proses record bisa berulang-ulang walaupun bukan saat pertama kali ketika film produksi. Hal itu terjadi karena faktor kesalahan dari pengisi suara yang terkadang lupa, nada terlampau signifikan/ naik turun terlalu drastis yang memungkinkan tidak bisa diedit oleh software maupun mixer yang dimiliki, dan perbedaan pada logat bicara, sehingga proses record harus terjadi berulang-ulang sampai benar-benar didapat hasil yang ideal.


Pada tahap ini mirip dengan proses mixing pada sebuah record musik. Suara yang telah direcord namun dalam keadaan terpotong-potong tadi harus disatukan dengan suara hasil record lainnya. Sehingga dalam tahap ini suara  yang ada pada film disilence dan digantikan dengan suara dari pengisi suara. Scrip terjemahan yang semula masih berupa teks dan kemudian direcord dalam bentuk suara, ditata dan disesuaikan dengan timer pada film. Sehingga ketika dialog dalam film misalkan hendak berbicara ingin mengatakan suatu tempat, maka suara pengganti juga harus sama dengan dialog yang ada difilm. Hal ini penting karena jangan sampai dialog yang ada difilm menunjukkan ekspresi marah namun suara yang keluar suara tertawa.

Agar suara yang dihasilkan lebih bagus, biasanya pada proses editing (sebelum penggabungan) suara diberikan efek-efek khusus, seperti suara seakan-akan sedang berada di dalam gua, gunung dan di dalam air, dan juga volume, karena tidak jarang suara yang dihasilkan oleh pengisi suara naik turun, namun tentu saja masih pada kondisi bisa diedit. Setelah suara cukup mengalami proses editing, baru kemudian digabung dengan film (seperti keterangan di atas).

Mengisi Suara Dengan Movie Maker

Untuk menggabungkan/ mixing suatu film dengan pengisi suara biasanya industri perfilman menggunakan software untuk memudahkan proses mixing tersebut. Software yang ada dipasaranpun juga beragam, untuk industri film seperti hollywood bisa sampai puluhan bahkan ratusan rupiah per softwarenya, bahkan dalam proses mixing tesebut bisa menggunakan lebih dari satu software.

Tidak perlu kawatir, bagi pemula dan hanya sekedar iseng ingin bereksperimen dengan film, dengan berbekal PC maupun laptop sudah bisa berkarya, namun tentu saja masih jauh kualitasnya jika dibanding dengan software yang dipakai industri film hollywood, namun sudah cukup untuk menuntaskan keinginan yang belum tercapai.

Pada sebuah windows XP, Vista maupun 7 umumnya sudah terdapat Windows Movie Maker, atau kalau belum ada bisa didownload situs internet yang menyediakan software secara gratis. Dengan Windows Movie Maker untuk kemudian  disingkat WMM inilah yang akan dipakai untuk mengisi suara pada film. Namun sebelum proses itu dilakukan, maka perlu disiapkan dulu peralatan yang dimiliki, jangan sampai mixing (mengisi suara pada film) kesepakatan nama yang dipakai hanya sebatas angan-angan maupun teori saja.

Perlengkapan yang perlu disiapkan
Keberadaan PC/ Komputet/ laptop dengan gread cukup tinggi.

  1. Film
  2. Seperangkat Sound Sistem diantaranya MIC dan Sound sistem untuk output suara
  3. Kemauan
  4. Jangan lupa berdoa kepada tuhan dll

Kalau sudah memenuhi perlengkapan diatas, saatnya mengikuti petunjuk berikut ini:

  1. Nyalakan PC/ Komputer, pastikan sudah terinstal Windows dan driver/ sound cardnya.
  2. Klik menu START pada pojok kiri bawah. Saat ditunjuk akan muncul petunjuk Click here to begin
  3. Lanjutkan pada pilihan All Program dan pilih menu WMM
  4. Setelah WMM aktif, yang perlu dilakukan adalah setting Sound Sistem
  5. Import film yang akan dimixing dengan cara klik Import video, seperti terlihat pada gambar.
  6. Setelah video di import, kemudian video yang berada pada layer collection tersebut didrag ke time line/ Ctrl+D.
  7. Untuk langkah selanjutnya, klik Narrate Time Line. Cek vocal pada mic, dan lihat pada indicator input level. Atur Input level kurang lebih 80%, jangan sampai 100%, karena akan menghasilkan suara yang pecah atau drop.
  8. Setelah vokal diatur dengan pas, maka siap untuk record. Dalam tahap ini, sudah harus faham dan matang dialog yang akan dimixing, karena akan berpengaruh pada waktu yang dipakai serta stamina yang terkuras akibat banyak kesalahan.
  9. Apabila sudah siap dengan skenario, klik start naration. Perhatikan timer/ time line pada WMM. Time line itulah yang akan menjadi panduan ketika sedang proses record mixing. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih detail perhatikan juga gerak bibir, tangan dan anggota tubuh lainnnya, sehingga mixing terkesan natural.
  10. Setelah Time Line mununjukkan selesai, klik pada stop narration maka akan keluar save windows media file. Pada file name, beri saja nama eks 1 atau lainnnya yang penting tau mixing yang telah di save. Setelah save selesai, secara otomatis mixing yang sudah rekam dimunculkan pada Time Line bagian Audio/ Music.
  11. Klik kanan pada rows Audio, pilih Volume dan mute Clip untuk menghilangkan suara aslinya. Kemudian play, sesuaikan kembali gerak tubuh artis dengan mixing. Pengaturan dapat dilakukan dengan cara pada rows Audio/ Music/ mixing, digeser kekanan atau kekiri dengan didrag (klik kiri tahan). Dan lakukan pemotongan Audio/ Music dengan cara Clik and drag to trim the clip untuk mendapatkan tempo yang pas.
  12. Setelah pengaturan selesai, kemudian save movie file/ Crtl+P. Ini merupakan tahap akhir dari proses mixing. Produk pertama selesai, dan kemudian bisa dilanjutkan dengan produk-produk lainnya.




Hardisk Pertama di Dunia

•November 4, 2011 • Leave a Comment

Gambar di bawah merupakan Harddisk pertama yang diluncurkan IBM pada September 1956 dengan titel 305 RAMAC.Tanggal 4 September 1956 IBM memperkenalkan hard disk pertama di dunia. Hard disk berukuran dua lemari es harganya senilai $250.000 sekarang, dengan kemampuan 5 MB, atau hanya cukup untuk menyimpan satu lagu dalam format MP3. Bandingkan dengan hardisk jaman sekarang ada yang selebar 0,6 cm dengan kapasitas 400 GB. Berat harddisk tersebut lebih dari 1 ton.

IBM 305 RAMAC (Random Access Method of Accounting and Control) 1956
1. Kapasitas: 4,8 MB
2. kecepatan rotasi: 1.200 rpm
3. Harga Sewa: $3.200 per bulan (1957)
4. Pengguna bisnis pertama: Chrysler’s MOPAR Division (1957)
5. Jumlah unit yang pernah diproduksi: Lebih dari 1000 unit hingga tahun 1961

Pekerjaan Yang Tidak Membutuhkan Latar Pendidikan Yang Tinggi

•November 4, 2011 • Leave a Comment

Mencari pekerjaan tidaklah mudah, terutama jika seseorang tidak memiliki latar pendidikan yang tinggi. Sebuah data terbaru yang dirangkum oleh situs LinkedIn menanyakan kepada para perekrut kerja, “apa yang Anda prioritaskan? Pendidikan atau pengalaman?” Dan mengejutkannya, pengalaman kerja adalah jawaban terbanyak. Satu responden mengatakan, “kuliah hanya mengajarkan teori, dan dari pengalaman pribadi, teori hanya bekerja dalam teori saja.” Responden lainnya juga menambahkan, “Gelar hanya tertera di atas kertas, hal ini tidak mencerminkan kemampuan seseorang dalam menangani sebuah pekerjaan. Seseorang tidak mempelajari hal ini di sekolah.”

Menurut situs AskMen, ada beberapa pekerjaan yang tidak membutuhkan titel sarjana sebagai kriterianya. Tentunya hal ini merupakan kabar baik bagi mereka yang memutuskan untuk tidak melanjutkan ke bangku kuliah dan langsung bekerja. Apa sajakah pekerjaan tersebut?


Menurut situs AskMen, apa yang terjadi di Amerika adalah seseorang yang ingin menjadi jurnalis atau wartawan di sebuah media tidaklah memerlukan gelar sarjana. Anda hanya membutuhkan talenta dan kegigihan dalam bekerja. Jadi, ketika Anda bermimpi menjadi wartwan perang, atau penulis travel yang senantiasa keliling dunia, lewatkan bangku kuliah dan bertemanlah dengan para editor dan penulis.

Anda juga bisa mengasah kemampuan menulis sendiri hanya dengan rajin membaca tulisan dari sebuah media tertentu, Dari situ Anda bisa menyesuaikan dengan gaya tulisan yang disajikan media tersebut. Dan tahukah Anda, beberapa dari orang terkaya di media adalah orang yang tidak menyelesaikan atau tidak pernah merasakan bangku kuliah, seperti pendiri Dreamworks, David Geffen hingga pendiri CNN, Ted Turner.

Manajer Hotel Mewah

Di Indonesia, posisi paling awal dalam industri perhotelan tetap membutuhkan pendidikan khusus, namun berbeda dengan apa yang terjadi di luar sana. Menurut situs AskMen, seseorang bisa mulai dengan menjadi pelayan, dan memanjat tangga karir dalam waktu singkat jika memiliki keahlian dan kesungguhan.

Pengalaman kerja adalah segalanya. Seni ramah tamah yang membuat orang merasa diterima dan nyaman, ditunjang dengan kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah dan tetap kompetitif dan inovatif akan menjadikan seseorang yang tidak lulus sekolahpun bisa menjadi manajer hotel paling mewah di dunia.

IT Specialist

Dunia IT terdengar mustahil dijalankan tanpa pendidikan tinggi dan kecerdasan yang di atas rata-rata. Namun kenyataannya sangatlah berbeda. Seorang ahli IT yang handal, justru tidak membutuhkan sekolah tinggi. Yang dibutuhkan hanyalah kebiasaan dan pengalaman. Saat sebuah bisnis memerlukan sistem perlindungan data yang baik, maka ahli IT dibutuhkan.

Seseorang bisa saja memiliki diploma dalam ilmu IT, namun jika ia tidak memiliki banyak pengalaman menghadapi permasalahan IT, atau tidak terbiasa bereksperiman dangan segala jenis problem, diploma miliknya tidak berguna untuk profesi tersebut. Selain tidak perlu kuliah, profesi ini juga menawarakan gaji yang cukup tinggi, mengingat ahli di bidang ini tidak terlalu banyak peminatnya. Meskipun banyak, jarang yang benar-benar mengkhususkan diri terhadap jenis IT sekuritas.

Produser Musik

Banyak yang menilai pemusik tak perlu duduk di bangku kuliah, karena mengandalkan talenta. Namun jika Anda memiliki sensitivitas pendengaran seperti Mozart dan merasa bisa mengatur sebuah proyek besar menjadi sebuah kesatuan, cobalah menjadi produser.

Produser musik ahli tata suara membutuhkan kemampuan menguasai alat-alat dan pengalaman, sedangkan produser eksekutif lebih mengatur bisnis, yang juga membutuhkan insting terhadap musik bagus dan artis yang berbakat. Selebihnya, faktor koneksi yang berperan dan faktor keberuntungan yang memihak Anda.


Profesi ini terdengar asing di Indonesia, namun tidak tertutup kemungkinan Anda memulai usaha jasa ini atau bergabung dengan tim investigasi dari kepolisian. Membutuhkan fisik yang kuat, ketelitian tingkat tinggi serta pemahaman situasi yang pebuh teka-teki.

Biasanya, seseorang bisa langsung bekerja di tim kepolisian dan menimba pengalaman selama lima tahun. Dari situ prestasinya akan menentukan akankah dirinya bisa naik ke jenjang karir yang lebih tinggi menjadi kepala detektif/investigasi. Tak hanya finansial, profesi ini juga memberikan nama baik bagi seseorang yang menggelutinya.


•November 4, 2011 • Leave a Comment

1. Seluruh negara Asia Tenggara pasti memiliki warna Merah dan Putih dalam benderanya (kecuali Vietnam).

Jadi, 8 dari 9 negara tetangga kita di Asia Tenggara memiliki warna Merah Putih dalam bendera kebangsaannya.

– Malaysia : merah, putih, biru, kuning
– Singapura : merah, putih
– Brunei : kuning, hitam, merah, putih
– Thailand: merah, putih, biru
– Filipina: merah, putih, biru, kuning
– Kamboja: merah, putih, biru
– Myanmar: merah, putih, biru
– Laos: merah, putih, biru

Ajaib bukan?

Masih belum puas?

– Amerika Serikat: merah, putih, biru
– Rusia: merah, putih, biru
– Jepang: merah, putih
– Perancis: merah, putih, biru
– Italia: merah, putih, hijau
– Inggris: merah, putih, biru

2. Merah Putih merupakan pasangan warna tertua dalam budaya banyak negara dunia.

* Di antara pakaian yg digemari oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW adalah pakaian putih dan pakaian merah.

Dalil – dalil haditsnya::

o Dari Jabir bin Samurah ra : “Saya ketika itu melihat Nabi berpakaian merah, lalu saya membandingkannya dengan bulan. Ternyata dalam pandangan saya, beliau lebih indah daripada bulan.” (HR. Abu Ya’la dan Al-Baihaqi)

o Ibnu Qudamah berkata, “Pakaian yg paling utama adalah pakaian yg berwarna putih karena Nabi bersabda, ‘Sebaik-baik pakaian kalian adalah yg berwarna putih. Gunakanlah sebagai pakaian kalian dan kafan kalian.” (al Mughni, 3/229)

* Di negeri2 Melayu serta dalam budaya Nusantara, kita sangat mengenal bubur merah bubur putih.

* Di Jepang, ada istilah “kouhaku” dimana dalam suatu pertandingan maka satu pihak berwarna merah (kou / beni) dan satu pihak lagi berwarna putih (haku / shiro).

Kouhaku: Hanya ada dua tim, tim Merah melawan tim Putih.:

* Perang Saudara Rusia dan Perang Saudara Finlandia adalah peperangan antara Tentara Merah dan Tentara Putih.

* Di Cina, Merah adalah warna keberuntungan & dipakai untuk acara pernikahan. Angpao dalam masyarakat Tionghoa biasa diberikan dalam amplop Merah. Sebaliknya, Putih merupakan lawan dari warna Merah, karena Putih biasanya diartikan sebagai warna berduka. Jadi, Merah dan Putih ini berpasangan.

* Dalam budaya Kristiani, Yesus sering dilukiskan berpakaian Merah & Putih.
Warna Merah & Putih juga merupakan salah satu warna utama dalam Natal (lihat pakaian Sinterklas). Tidak pernahkah terpikir dalam otak agan kenapa Sinterklas tidak berpakaian Hitam & Putih saja misalnya?

* Ada 150 negara yang menyertakan warna Merah pada Bendera Nasional kebangsaannya.

3. Secara anatomi, Merah Putih merupakan warna tertua dalam tubuh manusia. Sejak janin dibentuk di dalam rahim, maka ia terdiri atas darah & daging (merah) dan tulang (putih). Dalam darah manusia, juga ada Sel Darah Merah & Sel Darah Putih !

4. Secara geologi, Merah & Putih merupakan representasi dua unsur alami yang terpanas dan terdingin di bumi. Yang terpanas adalah lava / inti bumi (berwarna merah), dan yang terdingin adalah salju (berwarna putih).

Lho, apa hubungannya? Nah, baca lagi yg di atas. Merah dan Putih itu merupakan representasi dari benda terpanas dan terdingin di planet ini !

5. Secara optik, Merah adalah warna dengan frekuensi cahaya paling rendah yg masih dapat ditangkap mata manusia dengan panjang gelombang 630-760 nm. Di sisi lain, bila seluruh warna dasar digabung dengan porsi dan intensitas yg sama, maka akan terbentuk warna Putih.

6. Cahaya Merah adalah cahaya yg pertama diserap oleh air laut, sehingga banyak ikan dan invertebrata kelautan yg berwarna Merah. Di sisi lain, riak gelombang air laut selalu terlihat berwarna Putih. Jadi, bisa dikatakan, Merah Putih itu sendiri merupakan simbolisasi dari laut itu sendiri. Tak heran, Indonesia yg merupakan negara maritim / negara kepulauan memilih untuk memiliki bendera Merah Putih !

Harapan :

1 .Agar setiap anak bangsa Indonesia bangga akan bendera kebangsaannya !

2. Agar setiap anak bangsa menghargai jasa serta pengorbanan para pendahulu kita, yg telah berkorban harta, jiwa & raga demi tegaknya bendera lambang kedaulatan bangsa kita !

Bagi yg menyangka bahwa bendera kita adalah hasil sobekan dari bendera Belanda, silakan baca fakta sejarah ! Justru Merah Putih merupakan warna asli Indonesia .

1. Warna Merah Putih diambil dari warna Kerajaan Majapahit. Sebelum Majapahit, kerajaan Kediri telah memakai panji2 Merah Putih.

2. Selain itu, bendera perang Sisingamangaraja IX dari tanah Batak pun memakai warna Merah Putih sebagai warna benderanya, bergambar pedang kembar warna Putih dengan dasar Merah Menyala dan Putih. Warna Merah & Putih ini adalah bendera perang Sisingamangaraja XII. Dua pedang kembar melambangkan Piso Gaja Dompak, pusaka raja-raja Sisingamangaraja I-XII.

3. Ketika terjadi Perang Aceh, pejuang Aceh telah menggunakan bendera perang berupa umbul2 dengan warna Merah & Putih, berlatar pedang, bulan sabit, matahari dan bintang serta ayat suci Al Qur’an.

4. Di zaman kerajaan Bugis Bone, bendera Merah Putih adalah simbol kekuasaan dan kebesaran kerajaan Bone. Bendera Bone itu dikenal dengan nama Woromporang.

5. Pada waktu perang Jawa (1825-1830 M) Pangeran Diponegoro memakai panji2i berwarna Merah Putih dalam perjuangannya melawan Belanda.

6. Bendera yg dinamakan Sang Merah Putih ini pertama kali digunakan oleh para pelajar dan kaum nasionalis pada awal abad ke-20 di bawah kekuasaan Belanda.

7. Sang Saka Merah Putih yg dikibarkan pada saat Proklamasi Kemerdekaan 17 Agustus 1945 dijahit oleh Ibu Fatmawati, istri Bung Karno, pada tahun 1944, berukuran 276 x 200 cm.

8. Perihal perobekan bendera Belanda di Hotel Yamato, Surabaya, itu terjadi jauh setelah Proklamasi Kemerdekaan, tepatnya pada tanggal 19 September 1945. Sedangkan pada Proklamasi Kemerdekaan 17 Agustus 1945, kita sudah mengibarkan bendera Merah Putih. Jadi, tidak benar Merah Putih kita adalah hasil menyobek bendera Belanda


•November 4, 2011 • Leave a Comment

Nih, daftar antivirusnya dia sebenarnya adalah virus yang pura-pura jadi antivirus, tapi sayang cara liciknya ketahuan semakin banyak aja cara virus menyebar gan jadi gak langsung nyerang tapi dia berwujud antivirus dan sekali diinstal komputer teman teman akan dimata matain dan suatu saat dibunuh ama nih virus, jadi jangan dipakai bro kalau perlu kalau ada di hardisk dihapus aja

Ini daftarnya :


•November 4, 2011 • Leave a Comment

 Posted by My Blog My Story

Intel dah agak lama merilis processor terbarunya yaitu Intel core i7, kemudian disusul i5 dan i3. Yang perlu diperhatikan nanti Intel ga bakal pake lagi brand core 2 duo dan core 2 quad, sedangkan brand pentium dan celeron bakal dipertahankan. Terus kalo brand centrino mereka bakal pake di produknya yang berbasis Wifi dan Wimax, jadi ga bakal lagi kita nemuin notebook dengan brand Intel Centrino.

Lalu apa perbedaan dari ketiga produk barunya tersebut? Intinya sih core i3 ditujukan buat Entry Level, core i5 buat mid level, kalo core i7 buat High Level. Terus ketiganya bakal ditanam di dekstop maupun notebook. Selain itu, core i5 dan i7 mengadopsi fitur “Intel Turbo Mode Technology” dimana fitur ini akan mematikan core yang tidak dipakai ketika memproses aplikasi yang hanya membutuhkan single thread, ketika memproses aplikasi single thread, processor akan mengoverclock aliran thread data yang berjalan di atasnya sehingga pemrosesan lebih cepat, sedangkan jika memproses aplikasi yang bukan single thread, core tersebut akan hidup kembali.

Berikut deskripsi lebih jelasnya mengenai ketiga produk ini:

Intel Core i7

Core i7 sendiri merupakan processor pertama dengan teknologi “Nehalem”. Nehalem menggunakan platform baru yang betul-betul berbeda dengan generasi sebelumnya. Salah satunya adalah mengintegrasikan chipset MCH langsung di processor, bukan motherboard. Nehalem juga mengganti fungsi FSB menjadi QPI (Quick Path Interconnect) yang lebih revolusioner.

Intel Core i5
Jika Bloomfield adalah codename untuk Core i7 maka Lynnfield adalah codename untuk Core i5. Core i5 adalah seri value dari Core i7 yang akan berjalan di socket baru Intel yaitu socket LGA-1156. Tertarik begitu mendengar kata value ? Tepat ! Core i5 akan dipasarkan dengan harga sekitar US$186.

Kelebihan Core i5 ini adalah ditanamkannya fungsi chipset Northbridge pada inti processor (dikenal dengan nama MCH pada Motherboard). Maka motherboard Core i5 yang akan menggunakan chipset Intel P55 (dikelas mainstream) ini akan terlihat lowong tanpa kehadiran chipset northbridge. Jika Core i7 menggunakan Triple Channel DDR 3, maka di Core i5 hanya menggunakan Dual Channel DDR 3. Penggunaan dayanya juga diturunkan menjadi 95 Watt. Chipset P55 ini mendukung Triple Graphic Cards (3x) dengan 1×16 PCI-E slot dan 2×8 PCI-E slot. Pada Core i5 cache tetap sama, yaitu 8 MB L3 cache.

Intel juga meluncurkan Clarksfield, yaitu Core i5 versi mobile yang ditujukan untuk notebook. Socket yang akan digunakan adalah mPGA-989 dan membutuhkan daya yang terbilang cukup kecil yaitu sebesar 45-55 Watt.

Intel Core i3
Intel Core i3 merupakan varian paling value dibandingkan dua saudaranya yang lain. Processor ini akan mengintegrasikan GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) alias Graphics On-board didalam processornya. Kemampuan grafisnya diklaim sama dengan Intel GMA pada chipset G45. Selain itu Core i3 nantinya menggunakan manufaktur hybrid, inti processor dengan 32nm, sedangkan memory controller/graphics menggunakan 45nm. Code produk Core i3 adalah “Arrandale”.
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Business Ethics And Worldcom

•November 4, 2011 • Leave a Comment

Category: Business

Autor: wong 13 April 2010

Words: 3574 | Pages: 15

This paper will explain the fraudulent accounting practices that led to the collapse of Worldcom. Other objectives of this paper will be to demonstrate how these activities were able to go undetected. Also, what motives drove the individuals involved to commit these acts. And finally the ethical accounting issues involved.
Worldcom got its start as a small discount long distance provider in Mississippi. Founded by Bernard Ebbers and a number of others the idea for Worldcom was simple, buy long distance services from larger companies and then sell them off to small local ones. The idea worked and before long LDDS or Long Distance Discount Services, later to be called Worldcom was off and running. The company began acquiring small telecommunications firms and grew larger and larger. By 1995, Worldcom was one of the largest long distance providers in the world. As time progressed they acquired more then sixty companies, including MCI. The MCI take-over in 1997 cost over thirty seven billion, at the time it was considered the largest merger in American history. After the MCI deal Worldcom became the second largest Telecommunications Company in the United States. They owned one third of the data cables and were handling over fifty percent of all internet traffic in the United States. The growth of Worldcom was amazing, and they were the talk of Wall Street. In fact, by the late 1990’s they were the fifth most widely held stock in America. A pretty big feat for a company founded out of a small Mississippi town. Worldcom rode the big wave of the telecommunications and internet boom of the mid to late 1990’s. Its shares were worth about $115 billion, more then double that of telecommunications giant AT&T. However, by the end of 1999 a huge slow down was occurring in the internet and telecommunications industries. This is when the trouble began for Worldcom, as well as other telecommunications companies like Global Crossings.
Wall Street reacted to this sudden dip in these industries, and stock prices began to fall. In order to keep the faith of investors and to keep earnings from falling drastically, this is when some of the telecommunication companies began to commit fraudulent financial reporting, Worldcom being the most notorious, of these accounting frauds. It was around this time, late 1999 when executives at Worldcom began to get involved in practices that were violations to generally accepted accounting principles and highly unethical.
The accounting fraud at Worldcom was perpetrated by a number of high ranking executives, many of whom were in charge of accounting. At the forefront of the fraud was chief executive officer and founder Bernard Ebbers, in addition to allegedly instructing others to make the financial situation look better then it was, he also borrowed almost $400 million from the company to pay the margin call on his stock. Another key figure was Scott Sullivan, the company’s chief financial officer, who spear headed the accounting manipulations. Sullivan also instructed key accounting staff, including the controller to follow along with his procedures.
By June of 2002, Worldcom could no longer cover up the massive manipulations to their financial reports, their unethical and improper accounting practices had left the world’s second largest telecommunication company in ruins. The trading of Worldcom stock stopped trading in late June at an all time low. The news from the Worldcom scandal was so far reaching it set new post September 11th lows for the stock market. By July of the same year the company claimed for bankruptcy protection of more then $41 billion in debt. By the end of the whole scandal investigations uncovered in total an estimated $11 billion in fraud over five consecutive quarters, the fraud remains the largest in United States history, even bigger then Enron.1
The following is intended to highlight the actual accounting manipulations that took place at Worldcom, and the affects they had on the financial statements of the firm.
The first offense was the disguising of $3.85 billion in expensing, which was done over a period of time. During the first quarter of 2001 $771 million of expenses were hidden, followed by $610 million in the second quarter; $743 million in the third quarter; $931 million in the forth quarter; and $797 million in the first quarter of 2002.2 As opposed to some of the accounting frauds committed in recent years that used ingenious techniques or creative accounting, Worldcom’s expense cover-up was much more uncomplicated. Under the direction of Scott Sullivan operating costs were put on the books as capital expenses. This meant that operating expenses, primarily network maintenance costs and line-costs were placed on the books as capital investments, which basically made them assets. Line costs were payments to other telecommunication companies for the privilege to use their lines.2 The problem with treating operating costs as capital expenses is that the costs are only being pushed into the future. Therefore, they would have to hope for more and more revenue in coming years, even though their earnings were decreasing in recent years. Putting the expenses into the capital account meant they would not be due right away, such as normal operating expenses would be. Instead spreading the expenses over time, allowed for current expenses to appear to be lower then they really were. Worldcom was able to artificially lower current expenses which falsely showed higher earnings. This treatment of expenses has an affect on both the income statement and the balance sheet. On the balance sheet it helped increase retained earnings by treating the expenses as capital investments. On the income statement it decreases expenses, hence increasing net income.3
The second major accounting manipulation committed at Worldcom was the false inflation of revenue by using reserve accounts. They had taken money set aside and considered reserves, and simple added it into their profits. It was not very accurate, for them to show all the extra profit. The reserves original purpose is to set aside reserves that could be used to pay for such things as uncollected payments from customers, and or judgments to be owed in lawsuits. The fact that Worldcom had a reserve account was not at all illegal or even unethical. Many companies use reserve accounts to keep a small amount on the side in case a need presents itself. The case of Worldcom is a bit different; they are accused of pumping excessive money into the reserve accounts, with the intent to use the high amount of reserves as cushion to meet future earnings goals. This means that when they had some extra money they lied and said it would be used for upcoming liabilities that turn out to be uncollectible. However, they’re intent all along was to inflate these reserves, so that in the event they were experiencing difficulties meeting earnings projections they could simple reach into the reserve account and make all their investors happy. Over the period of time of the accounting fraud, Worldcom moved over $3.3 billion of reserves that were supposed to be used to cover liabilities and simply added it to the revenue line. This increased revenue artificially gave investors the idea that Worldcom was generating gains when they realistically were not.
All of the mistreatment and accounting manipulation caused Worldcom, to appear it was turning up good profits. In reality they were turning up loses. In fact, in 2001 they reported net income of $1.38 billion, when they actually had negative net income.3 Besides the question of why a company would intentionally mislead and lie to investors, the major question is how a firm could go five quarters of falsifying financial statements to the effect they did and not get caught. There are many differing opinions as to how they got away with these practices. Some believe it was the corporate culture at the firm, others feel that the accounting manipulations were so simple that auditors would never think a company would commit fraud so blatantly, also the lack of good internal control functions could have played an important role.
The corporate culture of an organization is important for any corporation because it reflects the values and beliefs of the organization. I feel that it is the leaders of a company that help start a corporate culture. It is the founders and leaders at a company whose believes and objectives are used by the company. Therefore, if a handful of top executives in a firm are unethical or believe it is ok to lie to the public and investors in order to make the company appear good, this attitude may work its way into the company. In support of this some believe that the top executives at Worldcom held a large majority of power. In addition there was a focus on teamwork at the company, but not in the good way, where individuals share ideas and experiences in order to make smart decisions. The teamwork alleged at Worldcom was more along the lines of follow what your told and be a team player. These theories can not be proved, however it is reasonable to say that the group conspiring together was a major factor in why the fraud was allowed to go on for such a long period of time.
One other belief stems from how simple the manipulations actually were. When the telecommunications industry began its slump, many felt Worldcom would take a turn for the worst. However, when they still managed to meet earnings, there was nothing going on that would make people expect fraud. Frank Partnoy makes a good argument in that, “Unlike other companies, there where no special purpose entities or off balance sheet derivatives for the company to use to hide losses or inflate profits. Worldcom’s top managers weren’t sophisticated enough to use Enron’s elaborate schemes or even Global Crossing’s IRU swaps.”2 The wrongful accounting practices going on where almost so ridiculously simple and dumb that many would find it hard to believe that billions were being lied about. In reality who would think that a chief financial officer or anyone for that matter at the second largest telecommunications company in the world would take almost $4 billion of expenses and book them as assets. No matter how corrupt or desperate, one would assume that someone could come up with a more sophisticated plan.
Another issue of key importance in this case is the lack of effective internal controls. Internal controls are key for any organization in that they help prevent abuses of the system, and help with making operations run more smoothly. At Worldcom there was an obvious lack of effective internal controls. This lack allowed for many things to be done by top managers without much checking. The absence of proper checks and balances and segregation of duties made it easier for decisions to be made with only a few people being aware. The internal control system at Worldcom undoubtedly played a role in allowing for the accounting manipulations to continue for a long period of time. However, in is important to note that because of the fraud at Worldcom and other recent corporate scandals, the Sarbanes Oxley Act was passed it includes section 404, which makes it a requirement for external auditors to give a separate opinion on internal controls before the normal audit can precede.
After the Worldcom collapse, one might wonder why people would intentionally do something that should have been clearly known had a fairly good chance of coming back to them. Although it is not my intention to get involved in the legal aspects involved with this matter it is of mild importance to mention that both the CEO and CFO along with a handful of other employees were found guilty of numerous charges and face huge fines and jail time. Knowing that and knowing that they might get into serious trouble for their actions, why would they commit fraud? Obvious motives include greed and or pressure to please investors and creditors. It is hard to know for sure but the above mentioned most likely played a role. However, it is important to look into the background of these people to see if their decisions were persuaded in part by lack of knowledge or experience. In the case of CFO Scott Sullivan, he went to school for business, and was knowledgeable in accounting. However, lacked experience expected from an important executive. But still had to understand he was making some pretty risky decisions. On the other hand, Bernard Ebbers grew up caring more about basketball and went to pretty much the only college that would let him play. He attended Mississippi College, and graduated with a degree in physical education. After college he coached high school basketball for a while and eventually invested with a few friends into a motel, he grew this business and eventually had a few motels. He started Worldcom in 1983; its success was due to good timing, help from Wall Street big wigs interested in the telecommunications industry, and Ebbers ability to be a great salesman. This is important because Ebbers never had a true business background, was not educated or well versed in finance or accounting. He was not the typical corporate executive, but he was all of a sudden running the second largest telecommunications firm in the world. He also had no background in telecommunications except for a short term job at a Canadian telephone company.2 It is most probable that Ebbers was fully aware he was making decisions that were wrong; however it is possible that he was unaware of the extent of the consequences that would result from his actions. Ebbers most likely was put under lots of self pressure to perform, and more so for Worldcom to perform. He apparently took much advice from Jack Grubman, the Wall Street brains behind the short lived success of both Worldcom and Global Crossings. It can be assumed that the decisions to acquire so many companies and take on such heavy debt was due to advice from Grubman, who made millions because his bank helped with the financing.2 At the end of the internet and telecommunications boom, Worldcom was in serious trouble partly because of the large debt from the MCI merger. Ebbers and Worldcom were on the brink of losing
a lot, so he tried to fix things. He allowed the CFO to try to make the company appear to be in better shape then it was which is wrong and very unethical. However, the point of this was to explain that whether or not he was aware how unethical his actions were, he was not equipped to deal with a situation where technical business knowledge, accounting policy, and an understanding of business ethics where required.
The final issue and the most important are the ethical issues involved with Worldcom committing accounting fraud. The scale that the fraud was committed was the largest in American history, and certainly had many consequences for many parties. First it is important to point out the stakeholders, the ones who were affected by the unethical decisions carried out by Worldcom. The stakeholders stretch far and wide and include the Worldcom investors, creditors, employees and their families, customers, the auditors, the stock market, other corporations especially in the telecommunications industry, and even the Worldcom executives responsible. Investors in Worldcom were large and small, some were employees with 401k(s) invested in Worldcom stock, but all were affected in some way by the unethical accounting practices committed by Worldcom. Some small investors may have lost a couple hundred or thousand dollars, while larger investors lost millions. At its peak Worldcom stock was selling at over $62 a share, thus that didn’t get out in time were left with almost nothing.1 The creditors of Worldcom including Solomon brothers and J.P. Morgan did get some money back, but lost a decent amount of money, not to mention the lost interest income if Worldcom had been able to pay its debt back properly. They also lost out on future business with Worldcom. Employees and their families were hurt very badly from the scandal. By the end of June 2002, Worldcom had to lay off 17,000 employees.1 It is fair to assume that most of these employees were not millionaires, and their families suffered financially. Also, being the second largest telecommunications company and given the fact that the whole industry was not in great shape, these employees quite likely had to find a new line of work. By 2002 it was estimated that Worldcom had over 20 million customers.3 These customers, especially business customers were most likely concerned that there services would be compromised, causing them to have to find another carrier and possibly pay higher service fees. Local phone companies and internet providers who depended on Worldcom owned data lines were most likely scared and faced with decisions that would change the way they conducted their business. Auditors of Worldcom both internal and external were greatly affected. The internal auditors and even accounting staff that had no ties to the accounting fraud, lost creditability and more then likely found it very hard to get another position in accounting. The external auditors were Arthur Anderson, Worldcom hurt them a lot because they were the auditors of Enron and others involved in recent corporate frauds. Anderson’s image was tarnished enough during the Enron scandal when they were made the scapegoats for corporate corruption. Worldcom’s accounting fraud caused the new executives in charge of cleaning up the mess to fire Anderson. Although, Arthur Anderson eventually went out of business most famously because of Enron, I am sure their involvement with Worldcom aided in their demise.
The day news broke of the Worldcom fraud, Wall Street took major blows. It is unfair that people who earn a living from the market and the everyday investor should have to suffer on account of a few people at one company who decided to make a bunch of stupid decisions. Another stakeholder was the other telecommunications firms in the market. Many of these firms were still recovering or declining because of the slow down in the industry. Worldcom’s practices brought more scrutiny on these firms, and caused investors to loss even more faith in the industry. Finally, the executives who orchestrated the whole scam where hugely affected by their lack of accounting ethics. They all lost their jobs, their reputations, and lots of money. Now I am sure they still made off like bandits from selling shares before everything went under, however many will never work in corporate America again, and the some might spend the rest of their lives in prison.
It is clear to see the impact of making unethical decisions when in a position to affect the lives of so many innocent individuals. In the case of Worldcom it came down to accounting ethics. The individuals responsible knowingly and willingly conspired to commit acts that violated accounting ethics from any point of view that you look at it. These people in all fairness did not want to get caught, and did not want to hurt so many people with their decisions. Maybe their idea of ethics in accounting and business in general is outside the norm or possibly entirely nonexistent. Either way anybody in a position, who’s accounting ethics, could jeopardize the lives of so many should be able to appreciate the importance of ethical decision making. Recent years have plagued this country with scandal after scandal where millions have lost there jobs or money due to people following unethical ideals. Many blame greed and power as motivators for ignoring ethics. But if the recent frauds teach one thing it’s that ethics is essential to a business. And more specifically ethics in accounting which is the backbone of all business is of the utmost importance. Time and time again unethical accounting practices have landed top executives is jail or serious trouble with the law, shouldn’t people realize that even though ethical accounting may not yield the biggest payout it will in most cases keep the business in existence. It’s not clear that everyone believes in the importance of ethics in accounting for the well being of a firm and for the economy as a whole. Hopefully, the recent events and recent regulations passed, including section 406 of the Sarbanes Oxley Act which mandates that all companies put a code of ethics in place for upper level management at publicly held companies, will sway non believers that ethics in accounting is one of the most important necessities in business.

Ethics And Worldcom

•November 4, 2011 • Leave a Comment

Category: Business

Autor: yan000 01 March 2010

Words: 670 | Pages: 3

In the case of WorldCom, a national company that began in 1983 and would provide long-distance telephone services, it is hard to determine where the problem begins. The case, as explained in the book, has never really found the core of the problem. We are told that financial reports were falsely created and improper accounting practices were found, but who is to blame? The textbook tells us that several of the former top financial executives pleaded guilty to securities fraud, however they defended themselves to say that they were forced to cover things up by other top officials.
As reading through the questions given in class it was hard to completely gather all thoughts into one area. We know that World Com is a for profit organization that provided telecommunications to customers nation wide. The company began in the early 1980’s and it’s main marketplace was domestic, however their products were available for global use.
The practices of questionable accounting practices effected Worldcom’s investors the most. In the end, through the filing of bankruptcy and all of the other legal issues, it also affected the employees through layoffs and such. However, the investors were the ones who lost their money invested into the company. The investors were the primary Stakeholders affected through this issue as well. The stakeholder issues involved the investors as though they were investing into the purchase of stock for the company while there were internal audits going on throughout the company. While the audits were going on, no one outside of the company knew what was going on.
I think the main business ethical issue in the Worldcom case was the false reports and the idea that issues were held "secret" from the investors. It is morally wrong to withhold information from someone, especially someone who is investing so much money into something. Therefore the ethical issue that business decision makers lacked in this case what outright honesty and fairness. The decision makers had a responsibility to legally report accurate financial information and economically want to maximize the company’s wealth.
I think as a whole the accounting department heads at Worldcom were not organized. It seems as though someone knew what was going on and did nothing about it, or was trying to cover up improper areas with the hopes that the problems would all work themselves out over time.
The major corporate governance issues involved the shareholder’s rights. Each shareholder has a right to know what is going on within a company at any given time. Worldcom’s shareholders were not informed and in the end lost billions of dollars. As far as the corporate culture in this case though, it is not really discussed as to how employees were treated or what the environment was like as a whole, as it was in the Sunbeam case. Rather, it seems as though one situation was cover up by another situation in order to cover up something else with the hopes that someone would not find out. It appears as though loans were taken out to cover up other loans and no one wants to come forward and admit to being the source of the problem, so each person is blaming someone else. In the end by blaming each other it shows me that the organizational culture was apathetic… the investors were not thought of before the bad accounting practices were actually practiced. One even mentions blaming Arthur Anderson and noting that they knew about the bad accounting practices and did not tell, but without truth we may never know the whole story.
Overall, in the end, the company ended up filing for bankruptcy and the shareholders lost lots of money. It seems as though this could have been avoided if some big shot would not have tried to cover something up with high hopes. It proves that it only creates more trouble in the end.


•November 3, 2011 • Leave a Comment





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